Chrome Extension Example: Post to buzz Post 1

The other day I post a simple Chrome extension that allows you to post the current page to Google Buzz, but also allows you to see how popular the current page is on Buzz.

Over the next couple of posts, I will use this app to show you how to build a Chrome Extension and how easy it is to add some awesome features (and also show you how cool Google Buzz is).

It is pretty neat, and pretty simple to create. It uses the following Chrome Extension features:

  1. Browser Actions, to let you “Buzz This”,
  2. Tabs API, to determine the current page you are on,
  3. Cross Domain Requests to allow you to get the number of “Buzzes” that have been made about the current page,
  4. Context Menu API to allow you to post images and links to Buzz <– my favourite feature.

To get started, the extension is here: If you want to dive straight in to the code it is here: