On the 17th of April I will be doing a talk at the Liverpool Users of .Net User group about Domain Specific Language Tools and T4 templates.
The general flow of the talk will be:
- A brief overview of Domain Specific Languages.
- What are the Microsoft DSL Tools and examples of toolkits in use
- What the Microsoft DSL Tools are not
- Where they can be used and how they can help developers and end-users.
- And a step-by-step guide of the creation of a DSL Tool (hopefully this can be workshop based).
If you would like to attend it is being held at AIMES (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/venue/123846/) the event information can be found on upcomming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/454169/
I will make the slides available if anyone wants to look at them. All I have to do is work out what to say!
If you know of any good tools implemented using the DSL Toolkit, let me know and I will include them in the talk.