Why I love WSE 3.0

I have been using WSE 3.0 for a while now and I really like it.  I really like the policy mechanism in the WSE, it affords me a kind of AOP (aspect orientated programming) that I am really starting to get into.   For instance I have made a lot of SoapFilters recently, some handy, some just for tests, but each of them allow me to add an aspect of functionality into the webservice that I am creating in a configuration and not a design time.  If I want security, just add a policy line in the XML config, if I want auditing another line, if I want exception shielding another line.   All of these aspects of the system I am creating can be added at deployment time thus leaving my web service code clean and simple.

An example, pseudo code:

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public class OrderService

public OrderList SubmitOrders(OrderList input)
return OrderListRepository.InsertNewOrders(input);

And a policy file (not an actual file that would work in this example) would say:

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<add type="Security" MustHaveRole="Add"/>
<add type="Auditing" />
<add type="ExceptionSheilding" />

This service code and policy file model is so much cleaner and simpler than what you would have to write if you didn't have an AOP style policy system:

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public class OrderService

public OrderList SubmitOrders(OrderList input)
if(User.IsInRole("Add") && User.IsAuthenticated)
catch(RepositoryException ex)
throw SheildedException(ex, "Problem in Repository");
catch(Exception ex)
throw SheildedException(ex, "Unkown Exception");

Now tell me which code you would like to maintain! :)