I have created a video to show you how easy it is to create great scrolling layers for your game in less than 3 minutes (including me making mistakes).
The basic components of the parallax engine are four fold:
- the engine itself
- the layers
- the camera
- the scrollers.
The enigne co-ordinates the layers by using the camera and the scrollers.
The layers represent a repeating background. The background posistion can be modified by the scrollers.
The camera represents a view on the world, where ever the camera is the engine will know how to convert the posistion of the layers correctly so that the scrolling still works.
[[posterous-content:EdaIBFGhrICeEvasgnlJ]]The demo film shows first how to create a simple scrolling layer that scrolls left to right, then later on in the video it shows how a developer can add more effects to the backgrounds, such as simple scrollers combined with an oscillator.
All of this was done with no code required!
I am always looking for suggestions on how to improve this project, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can leave feedback here, or on the forum [Discussions]
tags: xna, gamecomponents, gamecomponent, parallax, engine, video, wmv