DSL Tools Talk

On the 17th of April I will be doing a talk at the Liverpool Users of .Net User group about Domain Specific Language Tools and T4 templates.

The general flow of the talk will be:

  1. A brief overview of Domain Specific Languages.
  2. What are the Microsoft DSL Tools and examples of toolkits in use
    1. What the Microsoft DSL Tools are not
  3. Where they can be used and how they can help developers and end-users.
  4. And a step-by-step guide of the creation of a DSL Tool (hopefully this can be workshop based).

If you would like to attend it is being held at AIMES (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/venue/123846/) the event information can be found on upcomming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/454169/

I will make the slides available if anyone wants to look at them.  All I have to do is work out what to say!

If you know of any good tools implemented using the DSL Toolkit, let me know and I will include them in the talk.

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